

تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب ADVANCEMENTS IN POLYMER COMPOSITE STRUCTURES pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً


تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب ADVANCEMENTS IN POLYMER COMPOSITE STRUCTURES pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً


The various methods described below have been developed to reduce the resin content of the final product. As a rule of thumb, hand lay-up results in a product containing 60% resin and 40% fiber, whereas vacuum infusion gives a final product with 40% resin and 60% fiber content. The strength of the product is greatly dependent on this ratio.
Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) are very popular due to their low cost and simple fabrication methods. Use of non-reinforced polymers as structure materials is limited by low level of their mechanical properties, namely strength, modulus, and impact resistance. Reinforcement of polymers by strong fibrous network permits fabrication of PMCs, which is characterized: high specific strength, high specific stiffness, high fracture resistance, good abrasion resistance, good impact resistance, good corrosion resistance, good fatigue resistance and Low cost.

مؤلف: دكتورأسامة محمد المرضي سليمان خيال
قسم: هندسة ميكانيكية Mechanical Engineering
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الصفحات: 20
حجم الملف: 1.21 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف: PDF

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