

تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب The History of Bajaj Rickshaw Vehicles pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً


تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب The History of Bajaj Rickshaw Vehicles pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً

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The article presents a brief outline of the history of Bajaj rickshaw vehicles industry. Vehicle design, the incorrect usage of petrol and lubricating oil mixture, safety risks in riding rickshaw, and environmental impact were integral activities. Almost all of the engine designers mentioned in the article also were automobile designers, and a few went on to become major manufacturers of automobiles. All of these inventors and more made notable improvements in the evolution of the Bajaj rickshaw vehicles.

مؤلف: دكتورأسامة محمد المرضي سليمان خيال
قسم: التاريخ
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الصفحات: 9
حجم الملف: 415.78 كيلو بايت
نوع الملف: PDF

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